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Complete Ultrasonic Asset Management System for Condition Monitoring

The Ultraprobe 10.000 is an advanced ultrasonic instrument that can be used for all ultrasound applications. Ideally suited for condition monitoring of bearings and electrical inspections. This instrument brings ultrasound technology to a new level by allowing inspectors to record and analyze sound samples, and store and manage data.

Versatile and Easy-to-Use
– Bearing and electrical inspections
– Leak Detection and Steam Trap Inspections
– Condition monitoring analysis
– Specialized Application Settings

Reporting and Analytics
– Advanced data collection and storage
– Flexible reporting options
– Compatible with DMS and Spectralyzer data analysis software

Manage Routes with DMS Software

Manage Routes with DMS Software

Multiple Data Views

Export Database and Report to Excel

Create Analysis Reports

Connect to Multiple Accessories for Easier Inspections

Adjustable Frequency from 20kHz-100Khz

Accurate and Repeatable Digital Data


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