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BestSens AG

The DOT-platform – Efficient condition monitoring for rotating equipment

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Welcome to the DOT platform – your solution for efficient condition monitoring and sensor-based monitoring of rotating equipment. Our innovative technology enables pump manufacturers and plant operators to keep an eye on the condition of their pumps at all times and to react proactively to potential problems. By integrating advanced sensor technology into the mechanical seals, we offer a reliable solution to detect wear and prevent failures. With the DOT platform, you can thus optimise the operation of your pumping equipment, extend the service life of your pumps and minimise unexpected costs.

Upscaling: Form BeMoS one to DOT
In our product packages, our previous measurement technology platform BeMoS one is combined with suitable sensors and components to monitor a wide range of potential causes of faults on rotating equipment.
The DOT platform’s advanced ultrasonic measurement technology makes it possible: space- and energy-saving, as well as cost-efficient and scalable.
Installed directly on the pump, there will be several variants of the DOT that record different measurement data. This information is then sent to the control room, for example, and can also be accessed directly via a web app. In order to also be able to offer mechanical seal monitoring via this new platform, the sealDOT will follow the vibDOT next.

Keep an eye on your processes and pumps!

Increase safety and availability
by detecting wear and failure trends early and avoiding unplanned downtime

Make your service proactive
Maintain your pumps as needed, saving time and money

Avoid breakdowns
and the resultant follow-up costs


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