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Schärer + Kunz GmbH

S+K pipe marking according to ISO20560-1 or DIN 2403

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Meet the legal requirements!
The employer is obliged to mark pipes through which dangerous substances are transported in accordance with European Directive 92/58.
This directive is also transposed into German law. Pipes containing hazardous substances in accordance with the Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV)
transport, must be provided with the prescribed hazardous substance symbols in addition to the texts. DIN 2403 or the internationally valid ISO 20560-1 also provide information about the labeling requirement for pipelines.

Protect yourself at work!
Pipes that are not or insufficiently marked actually represent a significant danger! Ignorance about
the contents of a pipe can have serious consequences, both for workers and for the machinery.
Avoid additional costs!
By investing in good, clear labeling of your pipes, you will prevent
unpredictable costs. An accident at work not only causes physical suffering,
but also means a serious financial burden for you as an employer.

Gain time!
Good and clear labeling ensures better visibility
Construction. A quick and clear understanding is especially important for new ones
Employees and/or external entrepreneurs who work temporarily in your company.
In addition, maintenance work is carried out more efficiently, eliminating unnecessary searching
avoided and the risk of accidents or errors is significantly reduced.
If an accident does occur, this will be done thanks to good marking
definitely gained precious seconds that can save lives.


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