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PSI FLS Fuzzy Logik & Neuro Systeme GmbH

PSIqualicision AI – Web and Cloud-enabled Software for Decision Support and Optimization

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PSIqualicision AI decision support and optimization with integrated didactics
• Process data analyses and forecasts context-open and across industries
• Explainable interactions of profitability and sustainability KPIs
• Optimization and decision-making for selection and classification
• Increase of user acceptance by understandable AI decisions
• Installation and call via PSI App Store and PSI-Cloud per touch of a button
PSIqualicision AI is a web and cloud-enabled software that can optimize your business process objectives. It offers the Qualitative Labeling of business process data whereby interactions between KPIs are machine learned and explainable visualized. Using adequate AI methods, the software automatically recognizes interdependencies between performance indicators, balancing goal conflicts while taking into account adjustable optimization priorities. Based on the combination of process data and process knowledge, the resulting decision support is able to optimize business goals in real time and for planning. Since Qualicision AI generally works with all types of performance indicators, sustainability KPIs are directly considered as optimization goals and, on an equal level with profitability KPIs, can be integrated in the optimization strategy. With This is done by means of data-based KPI evaluation of automatically machine learned interactions within the business processes to be optimized. Referring to the current data situation, a goal conflict matrix explainably visualizes which of the KPIs can be optimized with the remaining KPIs either in a supporting way (green) or in a conflicting way (red). Depending on the balancing of KPI preferences, suitable decision alternatives can be calculated or identified and selected. Depending on the preferences specified by the user, selection decisions or data classifications can be optimized. The selection uses the proven KPI goal conflict analysis of Qualicision AI.


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