Co-located with

Emile Egger & Co. GmbH

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Patented Turo® Vortex TA impeller for pumping of raw municipal sewage with a high content of fibers without clogging. Fully recessed impeller for maximal free passage.
Open channel
Open spherical channel from the
suction to the pressure outlet, due to
the completely recessed impeller.
Solids up to the diameter of the
pressure outlet and long fibrous
materials do not cause any malfunction.
Quiet running
No radial forces are transmitted to
the shaft by the recessed impeller in
the casing.
Insensitivity to abrasion
The geometric shape of the impeller
is adapted to the vortex casing. That
reduces the abrasive attack to a
Gentle pumping
Sensitive particles (crystals, bacterial flakes, etc.) are not damaged.
Lower emulsion of oil in water.
Modular system
Our modular system allows an economical storage.
Long tool life
A robust construction, a thick casing
and a judicious choice of materials
ensure a long life cycle.
The Egger hydraulics, quiet running
and proper sealing systems ensure
trouble-free operation.


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