Co-located with

Emile Egger & Co. GmbH

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Energy saving valve for the precise and economical control at low loss of pressure of liquids and gases that can be either clean or contain particles.
Energy-saving flow control
Due to its special design with six centrally closing segments, Iris®
diaphragm control valves enable a highly energy efficient flow control
with low pressure losses.

High flow capacity Cv (Kv)
Its flow-optimized design, as well as the completely retracted segments
in the casing when fully open provide a very high flow capacity Cv (Kv).

Turbulence-less flow control
Due to centric flow guidance without fixed components or restricting
sections, Iris® diaphragm control valves regulate with stability and
accurately with little turbulence.

Regulation accuracy
The unique design allows for an economic and stable regulation with
a reliable, hysteresis-free control characteristic over the whole range.

Robust construction
The robust construction is designed for control applications with high
frequency of adjustment and is also suitable for the most demanding

Industrial series
The industrial series BSH for higher system and differential pressures is
available from DN 65 up to DN 300. It fulfills the requirements of the
Technical Guidelines on Air Quality Control (TA-Luft) and can be equipped with various monitoring systems.


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