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Axians IT Business Solutions GmbH

IoT Analytics & AI Solutions

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Smart technologies are changing the way we live and work by optimizing processes and making the best use of resources.

Employees can no longer look into production themselves every day, walk through and improve processes by doing things manually. Companies should rather get data out of production and analyze it. The individual elements, i.e. individual machines or individual processes, are often quite well optimized. People who work on them every day in production usually know what they are doing.

​​The potential is in connecting these individual elements and processes. This requires a holistic global optimization. Identifying this optimization opportunity for the entire production process is often not easy. This is where the combination of artificial intelligence with IoT helps.

Fine adjustments to an industrial production have enormous potential to increase the quality of the goods produced and the overall yield. According to McKinsey, a combination of AI and IoT can increase efficiency by up to 30 percent. According to IBM, for example, this has enabled a European car manufacturer to increase productivity by 25 percent and an electronics manufacturer to reduce labor costs for quality control by 5 to 20 percent.

Such a solution is not only reserved for large, well-funded companies. Projects have also been successfully implemented at smaller and medium-sized companies. When using artificial intelligence and IoT, a company should start small (pilot applications) and gradually expand the solutions.

With our IoT solutions, we increase your data availability and provide you with the technical capabilities to tap this data and make it available for AI.

Learn more about your options in the area of IoT Analytics & AI Solutions.
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