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Modern fuels are made to adhere to the standards addressing emissions, equipment reliability, safety, and storage. Therefore, our fuel filtration technology follows the same standards. It is of high importance for us to know the problems faced as fuels continue to change.
FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters or “Bio-Diesel”) has a lower interfacial tension (IFT) with water, which makes it much more difficult to physically separate than a traditional distillate petroleum.

Previous coalescing filtration technology commonly used a hydrophobically treated cellulose and/or Teflon-coated mesh to accomplish the coalescing and separation of water. This was effective on traditional diesel fuel, however the FAME and its respective lower IFT caused these early coalescing technologies to become ineffective.

Filtertechnik uses a fully synthetic, 3-phase construction in our coalescing range, providing particulate pre-filtration, coalescing, and a separation layer that has proven highly effective in even lower IFT fuels. We tested our filtration under the conditions of traditional diesel and biodiesel with low IFT and found that we can achieve >95% efficiency on both, depending upon the flow rate.

With engines becoming smaller to make room for electrical components, wiring, and storage, it is crucial to provide the highest performance filtration in a compact and lightweight package. Our product range includes Portable Filtration Systems, Fuel Filter Housings for Bulk Diesel Filtration, On-Board Diesel Filtration products and Fuel Filter Elements.

Fuel cleanliness is a huge factor in ensuring diesel-powered machinery operates at its highest level. Simply put, the most important thing you can do is ensure your fuel is free of any contaminants, including water, particulates and bacteria. Water contamination combined with bacterial contamination can lead to microbial growth. This takes the form of a sludge, which can cause blockages and severe damage throughout your fuel system.


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