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Karberg & Hennemann GmbH & Co. KG

CJC® Condition Monitoring Systeme – Oil Care 4.0

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Oil sensors for the online condition monitoring of oils and fluids provide you with exact real-time data about the oil condition and thus about the machine condition – anytime and anywhere. CJC® oil sensors are custom-specific configurable: modularly implementable oil sensors and numerous options from data transmission to automated data interpretation. Intuitive dashboards allow defining specific limit values for each sensor as an early warning system. Deviations in the oil condition values and critical wear processes are detected as early as possible and allow well-timed counteracting.

How you benefit from the implementation of CJC® oil sensors

– enable plannable, calculable and cost-effective maintenance

– avoid unplanned, cost-intensive downtimes and production losses

– ensure maximum wear protection and extend the service lifetime of components and machines

– optimize your oil analysis program and change the oil condition-based — not too early or too late

– reduce administrative expenditure

– document the manufacturer’s required oil cleanliness for sensitive components and secure warranty claims


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