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AMTpro – mobile motor current analysis done in 7 minutes

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AMT Pro is compatible with 3-phase AC fixed and variable speed motors and generators. Using Artesis’ revolutionary model-based voltage and current analysis, AMT Pro provides comprehensive fault detection functionality covering electrical, mechanical and process faults.

AMT Pro measures voltage and current in 3 phases at a high sampling rate. Motor tests are usually completed in 7 minutes. The result is an automatic test report showing motor condition with bar graph, list of electrical parameters and PSD (Power Spectral Density) results. The test results are optionally synchronized with the secure cloud-based server at the same time, allowing access to the reports on an IOT platform.

Electrical parameters are compared to standard reference values, indicating electrical faults and power quality issues. PSD (Power Spectral Density) and raw signal tools provide an advanced usage level for root cause analysis.


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