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Spindelhotel – “All-inclusive” für Ersatzspindeln
WEISS Spindeltechnologie GmbH

Spindelhotel – “All-inclusive” für Ersatzspindeln

Die Spindel crasht, die Werkzeugmaschine steht. Damit schnell wieder produziert werden kann, halten insbesondere Serienfertiger Ersatzspindeln vor. Doch sind diese im Fall des Falles tatsächlich einbaubereit? Wenn sie im Spindelhotel bei WEISS lagern: Ja



Modern motor spindles are highly complex units that need movement. If they are used in machine tools, this is sufficient. Individual components are subject to wear. However, lubricants and elastomer components such as seals remain in shape and there is no risk of corrosion due to permanent contact surfaces.
The opposite is true for replacement spindles. There is no wear. However, problems can arise due to a lack of movement. To avoid this, many criteria must be taken into account when storing the spindle so that it works reliably immediately in an emergency. The easiest way is to put it in the hands of specialists. Weiss Spindeltechnologie, Maroldsweisach, has opened a so-called spindle hotel for this purpose.


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