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Patent application

SIPREMA is the first “plug and play” predictive maintenance solution based on acoustic data. It therefore makes sense to apply for a patent for this innovation. This patent application is available under number 10 2023 124 815.4!



SIPREMA is pure innovation!

It’s not just the idea of ​​relying entirely on acoustics and thus making use easier that is revolutionary. Triple cascaded AI, in which one AI learns from the other AI, is also groundbreaking. It goes from recognizing the anomaly to identifying specific errors and even predicting them.

SIPREMA is the first “plug and play” predictive maintenance solution based on acoustic data. It therefore makes sense to apply for a patent for this innovation. This patent application is available under number 10 2023 124 815.4!

Such innovations are ONLY available from and with SIPREMA!


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