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Hermetic-Pumpen GmbH

Canned Motor Pumps for TDI Applications

Canned motor pumps are very suitable for this purpose due to their hermetic sealless technology and the high safety of the constructional design.



TDI (Toluene-2.4-DiIsocyanate) is an important intermediate product for the manufacture of adhesives and foams for mattresses and upholstery (such as car seats), polyurethanes (such as shoe soles), elastomers, coatings and high-quality paints for use in the automotive industry, for aircraft or locomotive paintwork. TDI is also used in lubricant production. The world-wide annual capacities are more than 1.5 million tons so that, next to MDI, TDI is therefore the most frequently produced isocyanate. Today, large-scale plants produce around 100,000 tons per year or more of it.

Since toluene-2.4-diisocyanate is a highly toxic fluid with vapours which can cause very strong irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract and can lead to permanent lung damage when inhaled over prolonged periods of time, safety is a top priority for this application.

Canned motor pumps are very suitable for this purpose due to their hermetic sealless technology and the high safety of the constructional design. HERMETIC-Pumpen GmbH offers a full range of canned motor pumps with different series for TDI production which, in addition to their tightness, optimally meet further demands such as high temperatures, long life or use in tanks.


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