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QleanAir proven supplier by Israeli health ministry
QleanAir Scandinavia GmbH

QleanAir proven supplier by Israeli health ministry

The infection disease committee with the Ministry of Health in Israel has decided to include QleanAir in the certified air cleaners list.



QleanAir will now be able to supply schools, hospitals, government institutions and other bodies in Israel with air cleaners.

Israel was among the earliest in the world to vaccinate, and now see a surge in the number of infected as vaccines are starting to wear off. Air cleaners is an effective tool to reduce the number of virus particles in the air and lower the risk of getting infected, which was recently reported in a british study. Also, researchers have found a link between long-term exposure to air pollutants and covid-19 infections.

We are excited to be able assisting Israeli schools, hospitals, and other government bodies keep public indoor spaces safe and protected against Covid-19
Matan Josefsberg, CEO of QleanAir Scandinavia Israel

QleanAir supported Karolinska University Hospital as the first hospital in Sweden in implementing air cleaners to protect the staff in the ICU. In collaboration with the hospital, we developed the FS 30 HEPA air cleaner which captures at least 99.995% of the most elusive particles like viruses and bacteria with certified HEPA 14 filter. It has high air flow yet quiet operation, with a small footprint suitable for hospital wards, classrooms, and offices. Since then, QleanAir has been supplying many educational institutions in offices and health care facilities across Europe with air cleaners to keep them safe and open.


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