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QleanAir wins large order from Deutsche Bahn
QleanAir Scandinavia GmbH

QleanAir wins large order from Deutsche Bahn

QleanAir Holding AB (publ), the premium provider of solutions for clean indoor air, has signed a contract for freestanding air cleaners with DB Cargo AG, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn AG.



The air cleaners will be placed in 58 locations across Germany. The order value for the products is 720 TEUR with an additional service agreement for 97 TEUR per year.

DB Cargo AG, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn, is Europe’s leading freight railway company with connections from Lisbon to China. QleanAir is a long-term partner for Deutsche Bahn since the last 10 years, supporting them with different air cleaning solutions. Now, we will also supply them with freestanding air cleaners to protect the staff from the corona virus and to ensure the operating schedule.

– As the corona pandemic is by no means over, DB Cargo AG wants to protect their staff and maintain operations. We are happy to support DB Cargo in this effort, says Tobias Willi, Managing Director of QleanAir GmbH.
The order consists of a product sale of QleanAir FS 30 HEPA and FS 70 HEPA air cleaners worth 720 TEUR along with a service contract of 97 TEUR per year. They will be placed in teaching rooms, meeting rooms, break rooms, canteens, and offices in 58 different locations across Germany. The shipments will be made during December and Q1 2022.

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