Co-located with

WEISS Spindeltechnologie GmbH

WEISS Spindeltechnologie GmbH

maintenance Dortmund 2024

Über uns

Weiss Spindeltechnologie GmbH, with registered headquarters in Maroldsweisach, specializes in the development and production of high-precision motor spindle units. The company offers a complete range of standard and custom-tailored solutions and integrates them in complete mechatronic systems. Weiss GmbH has been a one hundred percent subsidiary of the industrial sector of Siemens AG since 2003 and is part of the Siemens Drive Technologies Division. With some 350 employees, Weiss GmbH is a leading player in the motor spindles segment thanks to its technical innovations.
Under the title GSS (Global Spindle Solutions), Weiss offers a comprehensive range of spindles all produced from a single source. It is comprised of standardized catalog spindles, predefined preferred lines of products and custom-tailored designs for specific customers for turning, milling, grinding and special applications.
Service is a top priority for Weiss and this is underlined in particular by the SWSS (Siemens Weiss Spindle Services) service network which has been jointly established with the parent company Siemens. Weiss also benefits from an active use of the global selling and service network of the Siemens divisions.



Zerspanungsmechaniker Schleiftechnik/Schleifmaschinensysteme (m/w/d)

Ihr Aufgabengebiet:
› Sie programmieren und bedienen CNC-Schleifmaschinen unter Einhaltung von Qualitätsvorgaben und Sicherheitsrichtlinien.
› Universeller Einsatz beim Flachschleifen, Innenrundschleifen und Außenrundschleifen sowohl auf Konventionellen als auch auf CNC-Gesteuerten Maschinen
› Völlig selbständige Arbeitsweise in allen Bereichen wie z. B. Rüsten, Programmieren der Maschinen, sowie der Teilekontrolle
› Sie führen kleinere Instandhaltungsarbeiten durch

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