Co-located with

Emile Egger & Co. GmbH

Emile Egger & Co. GmbH

PUMPS & VALVES Dortmund 2025

Über uns

Since 70 years, we are manufacturing centrifugal pumps and control valves for municipal and industrial use.
For generations, the independent Swiss family-run company Emile Egger & Cie SA has specialized in the design and production of high-quality centrifugal pumps for sensitive fluids with high solids content. We are producing patented pump and valve solutions as Turo® Vortex, Turo® Vortex TA Pumps for raw municipal sewage and Iris® Diaphragm Control Valves.

The entire production chain is realized in the own companies (design, research, development, production, testing). Long-living pumps for continuous operation and for solving hydraulic challenges are carried out the Egger Brand all over the world. Numerous service centers in Europe, USA and Asia guarantee customer proximity and service support.

Well-known companies use our pumping solutions and materials competence (for example the pumping station Prien Stock-Nord in Bavaria, lifting stations for the LINEG and Emschergenossenschaft, elbow propeller pumps in evaporation plants of the salt industry (KCL in Laos) or diaphragm control valves for energy optimization in sewage treatment plants.

Egger – Competence partner for pumps.



Vertriebsingenieur/-in (m/w/d) für das Gebiet nördliches NRW und Teile von Niedersachsen.

Wir entwickeln, fertigen und liefern spezielle Kreiselpumpen zur Förderung von Abwasser und feststoffbeladenen Flüssigkeiten
für die breite industrielle und kommunale Anwendung mit europaweit 500 Mitarbeitern. Zur Verstärkung unseres Vertriebsteams suchen wir ab sofort eine/n weitere/n engagierte/n, teamfähige/n und belastbare/n
Vertriebsingenieur/-in (m/w/d) für das Gebiet nördliches NRW und Teile von Niedersachsen.

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