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Since November 2021, we are Platinum Partner of CARL Berger-Levrault for the German-speaking market.

We are not only a sales partner, but also offer you comprehensive services around CARL Source. Whether consulting, training, customising or interface connection to other IT systems, we are your first address.

The functionality of CARL Source fully covers today’s requirements of a CMMS/EAM system. CARL Source is future-proof because it is constantly being developed further and is easy to scale up if more areas and more users want to use CARL Source.

CARL Source’s modular, multilingual design provides technical and economic asset management capabilities. Because requirements vary by industry, there are specific versions of CARL Source for the following industries:

– Facility covers the requirements for effective facility management.
– Transport covers the needs for maintenance and servicing of movable IH objects, such as trains, wagons, bus or car fleets.
– Factory covers the maintenance management needs of the manufacturing industry: Food Processing, Merchandise, Chemicals, Manufacturing, etc.
– Healthcare meets the needs of healthcare facilities such as clinics, nursing homes, etc.
– City meets the needs of public services: state and local government.

We will be happy to show you further details of the EAM system CARL Source at our booth and are available to answer any questions you may have on the subject of maintenance management, maintenance software.


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