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GEMÜ maintenance team relies on the CONEXO app
Inevvo Solutions GmbH & Co. KG

GEMÜ maintenance team relies on the CONEXO app

Long searches for test reports is now at an end. The GEMÜ Maintenance team has been relying on digitalization for more than two years and has introduced the CONEXO system, developed by inevvo solutions, to this end.



What was the original idea behind introducing the CONEXO system for maintenance at GEMÜ?
Friedrich Frerichs, working student at GEMÜ, has been occupied with the subject of maintenance digitalization. It was clear to him that Maintenance too requires a flexible and mobile solution for maintenance procedures. The CONEXO system, developed by GEMÜ’s subsidiary inevvo solutions, was the perfect answer. The Maintenance team considers the technology based on RFID engineering to be very interesting and, above all, trailblazing. For this reason, Maintenance made itself available for a pilot project and has already been using the CONEXO system for maintenance procedures for more than two years.

How many people have been trained to date in handling CONEXO?
There are currently seven Maintenance employees with various areas of responsibility who been trained in handling CONEXO. The extent of the tests and the duties is constantly growing, and so another two employees will be added to this number in the summer. Whenever particular areas are added, the relevant employees learn how to handle the trailblazing system.

What test is currently carried out with CONEXO?
The test of steps and ladders according to accident prevention regulations was carried out for the second time already. To this end, a total of 184 steps and ladders were equipped with RFID chips and the data incorporated in the CONEXO system. Here, too, the Maintenance employees were pioneers and have extensively tested the new and natively developed CONEXO app V2 – with the result that this is “a great further development in combination with an excellent, state-of-the-art design.

You can find the whole UseCase on our website


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